Saturday, May 24, 2008

Painted Redstart

Myioborus pictus

This bird and several below are a few of the illustraions recently completed for a North American bird guide.

Smith's Longspur

Calcarius pictus

Chipping Sparrow

Spizella passerina

Botteri's Sparrow
Aimophila boterii

Hepatic Tanager

Piranga flava

Connecticut warbler

Oporornis agilis

Harris's Sparrow

Zonotrichia querula

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Some video-grabs of Pine Martin, Highlands, May 2008. (See below)

Studies of Pine Martin, Ardnamuchan, Highlands
May 2008
I visited a cottage in the Highlands where a couple feed Pine Martins each evening. I was fortunate to be able to watch 2 adults feeding sporadically for over 2 hours, enjoying jam sandwiches, honey and other treats put out for these gorgeous and secretive animals.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Rock face studies. Again, really nice lighting

I really enjoyed painting these rock formations in one of the bays, along the Ardnamuchan coastline.

Rocks and reflections. Ardnamuchan peninsula, Highlands. May 2008

I've just come back from a couple of days in the highlands, looking for inspiration. These rocks and reflections really caught my eye.


Waders and wet mud......... lovely lighting

Studies of Grey heron, Old Hall Marshes, Oct 07

I've not managed to get round to putting these on yet, so here they are!