Sunday, November 26, 2006

A recent commission of a friend's pet cat

Acrylic on paper

Thursday, November 16, 2006

Aquatic warbler

Farlington Marshes,

7th August 2005

Ringing studies of juvenile bird

Acrylic on board


Monday, November 13, 2006

Glanville Fritillary Melitaea cinxia

A recent painting of this local visitor to the south coast of Britain

Acrylic on paper


Saturday, November 04, 2006

Short-eared owl. Islay, April

Acrylic on paper


This is one of my favourite paintings produced in the last 18 months. I am hoping to produce more stuides of shorties over the winter, in addition to other owl paintings and more harrier studies. I am planning to spend a few days in Norfolk in the new year, so hopefully I will return back to the studio with loads of ideas for new paintings

Glossy Ibis, Fluke Hall, Lancashire. 3rd November 2006

Here are a few sketches of an imm male glossy ibis that has been frequenting fields near Fluke Hall in Lancashire over the past couple of weeks or so. I failed to catch up with the bird earlier in the week, but an early morning visit to the site on 3rd November was successful. I was able to produce some reasonable pleasing sketches, but hightlight i think for me was the 100plus flock of whooper swans, 5 barnacle geese and a couploe of family parties of pink feet amongst several dozen greylag. The early morning winter light was nothing short of stunning, and after taking probably a couple of hundred photos and several more pages of sketchbook notes, I have some great reference for future paintings. Watch this space!

Thursday, November 02, 2006

Above, detail
Barancle Geese descending to feed.

Islay, early April

Acrylic on paper

60cm x 40cm SOLD

Short-eared owl

Original painting featured in the latest issue of Birds Illustarted, featuring an article I have wrtiien about birding in Hungary in the winter.

Acrylic on paper 23.5 cm x 31.5 cm SOLD

The Hen harrier painting (below) is also featured in the article, but I am really disappointed with the reproduction, as in the magazine it appears much more orange and less subtle than in real life. The colour accuracy of the original painting is faithfuolly reproduced on the image below.